
Monday, July 19, 2010

Happiness is...

I have been pondering what makes me happy. There are many obvious things (family time, good friends, a rewarding career) but there is an underlying theme that seems to be the core of me. I like order.
How do you accomplish that with 6 children, a dog with separation anxiety, and a husband who spends more time working with his second wife (Mrs. John Deere) than he does at home?
One way I conquer happiness (and less stress) is with planning and organization. But, don't look in my closets! This organization does not necessarily filter into all aspects of my life though I wish it would!! I like order. I am a planner. I try to plan everything from meals to chores. I am a list person even if I never look at the list.
Working really cramps my style but it is necessary to be able to provide our family with the extra things we enjoy as a family--private schooling, extra activities and lessons for the kids, camping, preserving our memories, and hopefully a more comfortable retirement.
To make the days of work more palatable one must be organized! I am fortunate to have some help with laundry, baking, and meal prep. Joann and Jerry Ray to the rescue! They come 3 days a week to watch the kids after school. I do the planning and they carry it out. I am so blessed! This makes especially meal time (nightly and always together even if its quick) less stressful and definitely more healthy.
I used to gather regularly with friends to make food and freeze it for future use. Instead now I will make two of something (like lasagna or enchiladas). Eat one, freeze one. Or sometimes on a Sunday afternoon I will spend all day in the kitchen making the weeks meals. I also freeze ground beef already cooked. A big time saver. I freeze diced onions and sliced green peppers. Anything to help cut down on meal prep! Another big timesaver is my crockpot. I had to upgrade recently so I bought one with a delay timer. I could not live without my crockpot!

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