
Monday, July 23, 2012

Changing Before My Eyes

This time I have arisen from bed at 12:30 am unable to sleep with something that has been on my mind all day. Now it keeps me from sleep. CHANGE.  My children are changing before my eyes. Growing up.  All too fast. Many have said they will grow up before you know it. Today I know it is true.

In chronological order of arrival...

ALEXIS. She is of that age when the body is changing. She informed me this past weekend she has been shaving her legs for two months. "Could I have my own razor instead of using yours?" (I actually bought one for her weeks ago but did not give it to her, thinking maybe I would save it for Christmas) I guess its time. Outwardly, she looks more and more like a young lady. She needs guidance with what she can wear and what she cannot. The days of having to force her to wear undergarments because she needed to are over. She has the shape of a young lady. And acne to prove it. And big feet! She now wears a size 8. Wow, when did that happen?

CHARLEY. His body is growing taller. He is finally applying the much needed deodorant daily without being told. He too has a bit of acne. He has graduated to mens size shoes. And his thoughts are more about cars, his first job, and potential profession. I keep telling him he needs to start a journal. His thoughts are many. Mostly voiced to me, hopefully the voice of reason. He and Alexis will need to share that first car so lets be practical.

XAVIER. He is also growing taller and his feet longer. And skinnier! I am frequently amazed at what this boy knows or remembers in regard to detail. He reminds me of brother Nick. Smart as a whip if only you could get him to apply it to something meaningful! He is reluctantly reading the Hunger Games. And secretly enjoying it I am pretty sure. He continues to be impulsive. As not to have a special blog post regarding his latest feat I will type it here. About 3 weeks ago at 4 pm Alexis witnessed and Steve heard a thud/plop. Xavier had jumped from our second story balcony onto the couch in the great room. Thankfully not hurt. Why?  "I don't know!" This prompted a family meeting to discuss the possible awful things that could have happened. Fractures, spinal cord injury, etc. etc. Oh my! Thank you God for watching over my family.

JOSEPH. Joe is reading. And he is initiating reading. He tries to read signs and notes I write. Its so awesome!! He knows he knows and its so cute to see. And his vocabulary is off the charts. We sometimes have to do a double take to see if that is really our almost first grader coming up with words and sentences of what we think is an older child. Joe is a big follower of Xavier and one to watch. He especially loves his bike and goes faster than anyone down a hill given a chance. Lord, please watch over my sons.

CARIYANA. This little miss is too big for her britches more often than not. Quite the entertainer. We call her Nosey Rosey. Always in others business. Often we tell her to "tend to her own knitting!" There is nothing this girl misses.She too is doing some attempts to read things. She gets stuck easier but continues to try. And SO PROUD of herself when she gets it right!!

And me, nearing my 49th birthday...49? When did that happen?

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